Making Wealden the place it deserves to be and its resident want to be part of
Making Wealden the place it deserves to be and its resident want to be part of
If you need to contact the departments below the provided links will take you to the appropriate department. Please give feedback on incorrect links Thanks Mike and Kevin
Contact telephone number 03456080190
Let us know if any are missing and I will try and update.
Contact telephone number 03456080193 - 24 hours a day
Let us know if any are missing and I will try and update.
East Sussex Highways are responsible for:
Telephone Number 01323 443322.
Emergency out of hours telephone no. 01323 644422.
Cabinet Portfolio Holders
Governance Community Leadership and Communications
2. Ian Tysh
Planning and Development:
Climate Change
Economic Development
4. Rachel Millward (& Deputy Leader) Housing
5. Greg Collins
Waste Management
Customer Services
Community and Public Health
Asset Management
More Information
Working for the residents of Wealden
Click on the picture to find out more
Food partnerships are successfully transforming local food systems across the country.
They are varied and have unique elements, but broadly share the common goal to create networks of people, organisations, and decision makers within specified areas, who are passionate about creating a stronger, more resilient, equitable, healthy, and sustainable local food system.
Successful food partnerships across the country have demonstrated the value of networking, idea sharing and working together to bring about systemic change to ultimately create a healthy, resilient, and equitable food system for all.
Watch this Space
Website is undergoing a revamp
All about the Planning Reforms
Looking at Planning Applications in a New Way
East Sussex In Figures (more visual)